Thursday, October 30, 2008

red handed

hazel was busy in the kitchen. i could hear her. she came around the corner with a pack of gum. i said from a distance, "no gum hazel." so she put the gum down and ran away. shortly she came back with a towel and wrapped the gum in the towel and began to come towards me again, not realizing i had been watching the whole situation and i think she was thinking she was pretty smart to be doing this cuz NOW she would get past me to give gum to all the kids outside. but no. mom caught her red handed. she didnt' want to admit there was gum in the towel but yes...eventually we all break under pressure...she confessed and hung her shoulders as she put the gum away.


Paul asking on our way home from swimming today, "So does anyone like onions in this whole wide world?"

He might like to know if you DO!

i'm publishing Gavin's first story

this is all in his writing and wordage...Go FIRST GRADE!

October 30, 2008
The raddit is jumping out in the fores
t and he bonk his heab. One little
raddit jumping in the forest in he
bib not bonk his head.
The End.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

coming out of the woods

well...its' been a long time since i have updated this site. it's been a long time that i have not felt 'up to it'. this baby is a gift and we are excited about that but i have been much too sick, in my opinion, for having such joy in our lives! i didn't even leave my house for 3 weeks. but i am now starting to walk a little in the mornings and going to friends houses to lay on their furniture and have a different atmosphere. my energy is returning and the meds are working to keep food down. it makes a huge difference to have food and water in your system! but in all this i have become a little more negative and i wish to be a little more positive. i wanted to wait to write on this BLOG until i could say some positive things! and it's the kids that keep me going on the funny stuff. they have all become good little encouragers making cards for me, rubbing my back, asking if i need anything. and so here brings me some funny stories for you from them in this time of my laying down and them trying to understand it all.

episode #1: Paul is telling Greg what he wants to write on my card (i get them almost daily from all 3) but first Greg has to write it out and then paul copies in a very dramatic and sad voice he says "dear mom, i am sooo sorry you are sick, but this is just the way it HAS to be" and then in a very happy-party-like -there's-no-tomorrow voice...he says "but I'M SO GLAD WE GET TO GO TO AMERICA TO HAVE THE BABY!!!!"

yes it's true, with my past history in labor, we think along with nurse and dr. here that it's best i go back to america to have the baby. so that means we will be living in LA starting the first week of March for a couple of months :D

episode #2: about every other day i still seem to have to throw up. and because of the stress on my body from all the previous times...something has pinched or pulled on a spot in my head. and so now whenever i throw up this spot becomes inflamed again and it drops me from the pain. i can't move for like an hour cuz the pain is so intense. but again the kids are getting more used to this and paul asked me as i was laying on HIS bed, "mom, do you just feel like you can move?" and i said, "no paul, i can't" and he said, "YES!!!!!" and greg pulls him aside and asks, "why are you cheering that mom is sick and can't move?" and he says, "because that means i get to sleep in her bed!!!" so there are pluses to everything when you are 4...1/2...

episode #3: many times the kids would ask me a question and i just couldn't answer with words for fear of opening my mouth. so i would nodd yes or no or communicate with a "uhhuh" and hazel has heard from us what she said to me. "mom, use your words, i can't understand you!"

there are more episodes of course but these are the ones that stand out still today. :D i'm glad for my family taking good care of me and that we can have the opportunity to come back to america to have the baby and live at the copeland house. the school is going to cover greg's classes in the last quarter here so we are thankful for that too and we hope to get gavin into first grade in bellflower. greg will hope to find some murals or painting jobs and maybe even work again with his old boss. my doctor that delivered Paul and Hazel has agreed to take me on as a patient. seems God has had all this planned for us...we just have to keep resting in that...that He is blessing us with another life!!!