Thursday, May 29, 2008


i finally figured out...or the doctor i finally saw...figured out that i must have had mono or Hep A this past year. i am hoping that it's all coming down to the end but i have had some weird sickness stuff going on for quite a long time now and he says it looks like the classic "coming off of" Hep A or Mono...

so i just ask for prayers for more health and strength to finish out lang. school this next month. i feel myself coming back a little bit but i can't do too much yet or else i get depleted right away. my hands have this tingling, burning, itchy feeling and they say that is another way for a virus to leave your body??? still fighting off a cold that has different symptoms every other day for a month now...i'm really sick of being sick and more sick of trying to figure out what it is... so i am glad to "kind of know" and just rest in that it's slowly coming out of my system.

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